
Welcome to CoasterDreamers and DreamVenture!

To the lifthill and beyond!

The theme park and travel industries have been on quite a rollercoaster ride over the years. At CoasterDreamers, we aim to make the ride as smooth as possible as we journey through the past, present and future of all your favourite theme parks and attractions, from Disneyland to Alton Towers. Our newest segment, DreamVenture, takes a trip into the exciting and varied world of travel. Whether you’re a thrillseeker, world explorer or just prefer to watch from the side, remember to keep your hands, arms and legs inside the car at all times- it will be an adventure you’ll never forget!

About the owner

Hi, I’m Lily. Since I was young, theme parks and writing have been two of my greatest passions, so I guess this site is my way of combining the two! I’ve been attempting to run blogs ever since I started my Disney blog @lildisneyfan on Instagram back in 2018, and although I don’t post on that account anymore, its been an incredible journey since then. If you love the fun of theme parks or the treat of travelling as much as I do, make sure to check out some of my posts below, and never lose your sense of adventure!

-Lily 🙂

Dreaming of Disney parks?

Race into Obscurity- the high-speed history of Disneyland’s Rocket Rods

Of all the themed lands that have ever entertained guests at Disney parks, Tomorrowland has always been one of the most problematic. This hopeful world has gone through a range of updates since it first debuted with Disneyland in 1955, mainly to make sure it always remains as a promise of what’s to come, rather…

A Short(ish!) History of the Disney Decade

September 1984 marked the beginning of Michael Eisner’s reign as Disney CEO, and he had huge plans for the company. At the time Disney were struggling to stay afloat, with consistently delayed projects piling up; the innovative magic we all know and love today wasn’t exactly the top priority. In spite of Disney’s many struggles…

Celebrating the Strange: The Weirdest Disney Theme Park Parades

If there’s one thing you can expect to find in many Disney theme parks, it’s parades. Since the first ever Disney daytime parade, the Character Parade, made its debut in 1971, these massive-scale street parties have been almost as iconic to Disney as castles and rides, and add an extra layer of musical magic to…

Disneyland’s Black Sunday: What was it and how did it happen?

“As long as there is imagination left in the world, Disneyland will never be complete” Walt Disney When you think of Disneyland, what comes to mind? Castles, family, and Mickey Mouse? What about fires, dehydration and stampeding crowds? Okay, those last three maybe aren’t so likely. But all these actually happened on Disneyland’s opening day,…

Walt Disney World’s Most Underrated Rides- a collab with Coaster Sam Blog

Disney theme parks have been bringing the magic to guests since 1955, opening a multitude of new, immersive attractions at locations around the world. It’s always exciting when a new ride opens for the first time, but this has a downside too- existing rides, so matter how iconic, loved or nostalgic they are, can begin…

Exhilarating English Theme Parks

Alton Towers’ Secret Weapon Programme: what is it and how does it work?

Alton Towers is considered to be one of the most amazing theme parks in the UK and even in Europe, with many coaster enthusiasts making the park a bucket list location to get some awesome creds. Nestled among some beautiful scenery and historic locations in Staffordshire, England, Alton Towers is home to some incredible rides,…

The Thorpe Fire of 2000- the event that changed the park forever

The aims, target audience and actions of all theme parks and park companies are largely influenced by past events, some more than others. Sometimes these events will only affect small aspects of the park, such as a ride closing or being rethemed, but occasionally they can change the future of the park and it’s owners…

Blackgang Chine: A little park on a collapsing cliff

Sitting on the edge of the Blackgang’s cliffs for over 175 years, Blackgang Chine is one of the Isle of Wight’s only theme parks, and a far cry from the hustle and bustle of larger, newer parks like Alton Towers and Thorpe Park. Here you can take a stroll through your favourite fairytales, pay a…

Beauties of Blackpool: the Classic Attractions of Blackpool Pleasure Beach

There are few parks in the UK that sum up that seaside amusement park experience like Blackpool Pleasure Beach, and no wonder- in its 125 years of operation they’re sure to have picked up a few tricks. Since its opening in 1896, this beachside park has accumulated a lot of history, and has made its…

No Way Out: The History of Thorpe Park’s X and the Walking Dead

Throughout its forty-three year history, Thorpe Park has been home to some pretty amazing rides. From petting farms to high-speed thrill rides, there has always been something for everyone, and some attractions leave more of a legacy than others. Among now defunct greats is X:/ No Way Out, which took riders on an adventure through…

Rides that Never Left the Drawing Board

Rides That Never Left The Drawing Board- Part 1 (Disney Parks)

It takes years for a new ride or attraction to be constructed, from the initial planning permissions being submitted and approved, to the announcements and teasers, to construction then finally a grand opening. But some rides never get off the ground, with plans being kept in storage or scrapped altogether. Join me in exploring what…

Rides That Never Left The Drawing Board- Part 2 (Non-Disney)

If you read our previous post on Disney rides and attractions that were designed but never built, you’ll know that many attractions go through a few different drafts of an idea before finally building something. Parks outside of Disney (and maybe Universal) don’t do this as much, generally speaking, but it does still happen from…

Click Below to Learn about Some of the Manufacturers that Make Rides a Reality!

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